Okay, little buddy! Have you ever looked up at the sky on a nice sunny day? What color do you see? That’s right, it’s blue! Let me explain why the sky is blue, step by step.

1. First, the Sun is very bright and it sends light to us. But guess what? The light from the Sun is not just one color; it’s made up of many colors, like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple!

2. Now, when the sunlight comes to Earth, it has to go through the air. The air is made of tiny little pieces that we can't see, called molecules.

3. The blue light from the Sun is special because it is a bit different from the other colors. It gets scattered around more than the others when it hits those tiny air molecules. Scattering means that the light spreads out in all directions.

4. So, when you look up at the sky, your eyes can see all that blue light spreading everywhere. That’s why the sky looks blue to us!

5. Sometimes, during sunrise or sunset, the Sun is lower in the sky. The sunlight has to travel through more air, and that makes the blue light scatter away more, leaving the reds and oranges for us to enjoy!

And that’s the magic of the blue sky! Isn’t it cool?

Written September 14, 2024