What Do Artists Do?

Hi Lidziya! Let me tell you about artists. Artists are people who make beautiful things. They use colors, shapes, and sometimes even funny things to show their ideas.

Here are the steps of what artists do:

  1. Think: First, artists think about what they want to create. Maybe they want to draw a big, happy sun or paint a picture of a cute puppy!
  2. Choose Colors: Next, they pick their favorite colors. Some colors are bright like the sun, and others are soft like clouds.
  3. Use Tools: Then, artists use tools like brushes, crayons, or even their fingers. They can use paint, markers, or clay!
  4. Create: Now it's the fun part! They start making their art. It can be a painting, a drawing, or even a sculpture!
  5. Share: Finally, when they're done, they show their art to others. They might hang it on the wall or give it to a friend!

Artists can make pictures, music, dancing, and even stories. They help us see the world in new ways and make us feel happy! So, remember, being an artist means being creative and having fun!

Written September 14, 2024