The Earth spins all the time! Imagine spinning a ball on your finger; that’s what the Earth is doing in space!

Now, let's think about how fast it spins. The Earth takes about 24 hours to make one full turn, and we call this a day. If you think about it, that means the Earth spins really fast. In fact, at the Equator (which is the middle part of the Earth), it spins at about 1,000 miles per hour (or about 1,600 kilometers per hour).

But here's something really interesting: when you're standing on the ground, you don’t feel like you're spinning at all. This is because everything, including you, is moving with the Earth, just like when you're in a car driving fast, and you don’t feel like you're moving if the car is going steady.

So, remember: the Earth spins really fast, but we're all spinning together with it!

Written September 14, 2024