What is Blending in Reading?

Blending is a reading technique where you take individual sounds (called phonemes) and put them together to form words. For example, if you have the sounds /c/, /a/, and /t/, blending them gives you the word 'cat'.

Step-by-Step Guide to Teach Blending

  1. Introduce Simple Sounds: Start with simple three-letter words, like 'cat' or 'dog'. Break them down into sounds. Say "the word is cat, it has three sounds: /c/, /a/, /t/".
  2. Model Blending: Say each sound slowly and then blend them together. For example: "Listen: /c/... /a/... /t/... Now let’s blend them together: cat!"
  3. Practice with Word Cards: Use flashcards with pictures and words. Show a card of a 'cat,' say the sounds, and encourage your child to blend them into the word.
  4. Engage in Activities: Play games like "Sound Fishing" where the child has to catch fish with different sounds and then blend them to make a word.
  5. Reinforce with Books: Read simple books together, pointing out words and blending sounds as you come across them.

Tips for Success

  • Be patient and encouraging as they learn.
  • Use fun and engaging materials to keep their interest.
  • Practice regularly but in short bursts to keep their attention.

Remember, the goal is to help them hear the sounds in words and blend them together smoothly. With practice and fun activities, they'll become more confident in their reading skills!

Written September 11, 2024