What Are Dolphins?

Dolphins are special animals that live in the water. They are part of a group called 'marine mammals,’ which means they breathe air like we do. Even though they live in the ocean, they come up to the surface to take breaths. Dolphins are very friendly and social, which means they like to be with their families and friends.

What Do Dolphins Look Like?

Dolphins have smooth, shiny skin that is often gray, but sometimes it can be brown or even a little blue! They also have a big smile on their faces because their mouths can look like they are smiling all the time!

How Do Dolphins Swim?

Dolphins are great swimmers. They have a tail that helps them move fast in the water. When they swim, they can jump out of the water and make big splashes, which is really fun to watch!

What Do Dolphins Eat?

Dolphins love to eat fish and squid. They use their sharp teeth to catch their food. Sometimes they work together in groups to help each other find tasty snacks.

Why Are Dolphins Important?

Dolphins help keep the ocean healthy. They eat fish that can get too many if there are not enough dolphins around. This balance helps all the creatures in the ocean have food to eat and keep everything working well together. Plus, dolphins make our oceans a happier place!

Fun Fact!

Dolphins can even make sounds like clicking and whistling! They use these sounds to talk to each other. Isn’t that cool?

So, dolphins are amazing animals that are playful, kind, and very important for our oceans!

Written September 11, 2024