Monkeys are very playful animals! Just like you have fun playing with friends, monkeys love to play with each other too.

Here are some fun steps to understand how monkeys play:

  1. Climbing: Monkeys climb trees a lot. They swing from branch to branch, which is like playing tag!
  2. Chasing: Sometimes, one monkey will chase another. They run and jump, trying to touch each other while giggling, just like we do in a game of tag.
  3. Tea Time: Sometimes they play games that look like having tea parties! They pretend to share their food, just like playing house.
  4. Sharing: Monkeys also play by sharing toys or food with their friends. It's important to share, just like when you share your toys!
  5. Helping Each Other: When one monkey wants to reach a banana high up in the tree, its friends might help it by giving a boost. They play together and help each other out!

So, just like you might build a fort or run around with your friends, monkeys have their own special ways to play. It keeps them happy and healthy!

Written September 19, 2024