What are Fossils?

Hi Ella-Rose! Today, we're going to talk about something super cool called fossils!

Fossils are like nature's postcards from a long, long time ago. They are the remains or traces of animals or plants that lived many, many years before people even existed, sometimes millions of years ago!

Now, let’s see how fossils are made:

  1. Step 1: Living Things - A long time ago, there were animals like dinosaurs or plants like giant ferns that lived on our Earth.
  2. Step 2: Getting Buried - Sometimes, when these animals or plants died, they would fall into mud or sand. Over time, layers of dirt would cover them up!
  3. Step 3: Pressing Down - As more and more dirt piled up, it would press down on the bones or leaves, and they would start to change and turn into fossils.
  4. Step 4: Finding Fossils - Many, many years later, people called paleontologists dig into the ground and discover these fossils. They study them to learn about what used to live on Earth!

Isn’t that amazing? Fossils can show us what dinosaurs looked like, what plants grew, and even how the Earth has changed over time.

So, fossils are important because they help us understand our planet's history! Next time you see a dinosaur toy, you can think about how real dinosaurs left their fossils behind!

Written September 19, 2024