What is Juggling?

Juggling is when a person throws up and catches things, usually balls or beanbags, at the same time. It looks super cool and amazing!

How Do You Juggle?

1. Start with One Ball: First, you learn to toss one ball from one hand to the other. It’s all about throwing it high enough to catch it easily.

2. Add a Second Ball: After you get good at one ball, you can try throwing two balls. You throw the first ball and when it’s in the air, you throw the second ball.

3. Even More Balls: When you’re comfy with two, you can start using three balls! It’s like a dance with your hands!

Why is Juggling Amazing?

Juggling is amazing because it takes practice and it makes you really good at using your hands and eyes together. It can also be a lot of fun to show your friends what you can do!

Try It Yourself!

Get some soft balls or beanbags, and practice tossing them up. Remember to catch them and keep having fun!

Written September 19, 2024