Once upon a time, in a beautiful place called Goulburn, there were people who lived there long, long before anyone else showed up. They were part of a tribe known as the Gunditjmara people. Now, 'tribe' is just a fancy word for a big family or group that shares the same culture and traditions.

The Gunditjmara people were very special because they had a deep connection with the land, the rivers, and all the creatures that lived around them. Imagine being best friends with the trees and the rivers! They knew how to take care of the environment and used everything in nature wisely.

One of the coolest things about the Gunditjmara tribe is that they were amazing fishers! They built clever traps and channels to catch fish. It’s like how you build Lego structures but instead, they built their traps with rocks! They worked together to make sure everyone had food to eat. Teamwork makes the dream work, right?

Just like how you might play games with your friends, the Gunditjmara people had special music, dances, and stories that they shared with each other. These were not just for fun; they passed down important lessons and memories that connected them to their ancestors—those were their great-great-great grandparents!

So, when we talk about the tribe in Goulburn, we celebrate the Gunditjmara people and all the wonderful things they did. They remind us of how important it is to take care of our planet and to work together as a family or community. Isn’t it fun to learn about new friends from the past?

Written August 21, 2024