Hi Vienna! That's a great question! Let’s break it down step by step to understand why we aren't pulled into the center of the Earth.

1. **Understanding Gravity**: First, let's talk about gravity. Gravity is a force that pulls objects toward each other. The Earth is really big, so it has a lot of gravity, and it pulls everything towards its center. That’s why when you jump, you come back down!

2. **Standing on the Surface**: Now, when you stand on the Earth, you’re on its surface. The Earth’s gravity pulls you towards its center, but it also pulls everything else around you. The ground beneath your feet pushes back with an equal force. This force is called normal force, which keeps you from falling into the Earth. It’s like when you’re sitting on a chair; the chair pushes up while gravity pulls you down.

3. **Why Not Keep Falling?**: If you jumped into a hole straight through the Earth (which is super dangerous, so don’t try that!), you would indeed start falling towards the center because of gravity. But as you get closer to the center, the gravity will actually start to pull you in all directions. So, you'd feel weightless when you got to the very center!

4. **Earth as a Magnet**: Now, about the Earth being like a magnet. Earth has a magnetic field, like a giant magnet, but this magnetic field doesn't pull you inside. It helps compass needles point north and affects electronic devices. So, even though the Earth acts like a magnet, it doesn’t pull us inside like gravity does.

5. **Us on Earth's Surface**: So, to sum it up, we can stay on the Earth’s surface because gravity pulls us down, and the ground pushes back up, balancing it out! We’re like a book resting on a table; the book has weight, but the table holds it up.

I hope that helps you understand why we aren't being pulled into the center of the Earth!

Written September 26, 2024